
Entry (1/6)1  tsika
Root  2  pika
Part of speech  3  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  4  [1.1] Tontam-boalavo
Karazam-piadiana na fihazana vita amin' ny hazo navonkina sy tady henjana mampitohy ny tendron' ilay hazo ambony sy ambany: apaka amin' ny tady ny zana-tsipika (tahon-javatra misy lohany maranitra) dia sintonina mafy hiverina ary rehefa avy eo, alefa tsy tanana intsony ka atosik' ilay tady henjana ilay izy ary lasa miriotra mankeny amin' ny toerana na zavatra kendrena halehany
5  [1.78] [Sihanaka] fandri-borona mipika rehefa mahavoa
Explanations in French  6  [1.3] arc
ratière à ressort
morceaux de bois servant à raidir et égaliser la largeur du tissu
Examples  7  Ny fiadiana fampiasa indrindra tany Egypta sy Palestina dia ny tsipìka sy ny zana-tsipìka [1.38]
8  Raha afaka amin'ny fiadiana vy izy ho trobaran'ny tsipìka varahina. [2.996]
Compound words 
Article  10  Randzavola: tsipìka ao amin' ny Baiboly => Fiadiana

Entry (2/6)11  tsipika
Part of speech  12  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  13  [1.1] Soritra mahitsy: Ny tsipi-panohizana dia tsipika kely manakamban-teny
Explanations in English  14  [1.7] a straight line; a ruler
Explanations in French  15  [1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 1.13] trait, ligne
16  [1.5] tiret
17  [1.13] barre
18  Passive verbs :
Compound words 
Titles  61  Ilay tsipika mena (Rapatsalahy Paul)

Entry (3/6)62  tsipika
Part of speech  63  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  64  [1.1] Fifindrana mandingana na mitsambikina
Explanations in French  65  [1.3, 1.5, 1.196] saut
66  [1.3, 1.5] éclat
67  [1.3, 1.196] sautillement
68  [1.3] éclaboussure
69  Passive verbs :
Compound words 

Entry (4/6)71  tsipika
Part of speech  72  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  73  [1.1] Feno hipoka, tsepoka, jibika
Explanations in French  74  [1.3] plein, comble
Synonyms  75  jibika

Entry (5/6)76  tsipika
Part of speech  77  noun
Explanations in French  78  [1.196] (allusion au bruit des graines dans la gousse mûre). Crotalaria xanthoclada Bojer ex Benth. (Fabaceae). [Merina]
Vocabulary  79  Botany
Scientific name 

Entry (6/6)81  Tsipika
Part of speech  82  name (institution) [Full list]
Vocabulary  83  Publishers, newspapers
Madagascar Catalog 
84  Iza Moa? Ranaivoson Dominique2004
85  Nadika tamin' ny alina Rabearivelo Jean-Joseph2007
86  Ny Bokin-dRakotovao Cohen-Bessy Annick1992
87  Presque-Songes – Sari-Nofy Rabearivelo Jean-Joseph2006
88  Tantsaha Rakotonandrasana Louis de Gonzague2000
89  Tari-dalam-pifandraisana Yount James W.1999
90  Trois tours de Madagascar à pied Ramorasata Louis Michel2006
91  Voambolana momba ny fanabeazana sy ny fanofanana Akademiam-pirenena Malagasy2000
92  Voambolana momba ny zahatany Akademiam-pirenena Malagasy2000

Anagrams  93  pakitsy, pitsika, tsipìka, Tsipika, tsipika

Updated on 2025/02/08